Thursday, September 28, 2006

Buka posa dengan kengkawan

Khamis lepas.
Ayie Rpah and me had a gathering of berbuka puasa. It seems that, Ayie was free that day and Rpah was also willing to go. We all decided to go to Midvalley. And as crowded as it seems, especially for people wanting to break fast there in the cool restaurants. Ayie figured that it is best to have a light snack and drink first, have the Maghrib prayers then only go to Midvalley . By that time, the restaurants are free.

Ayie datang lambat sikit. Tapi dia ada beli kuih utk berbuka.
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Lepas maghrib kami bertolak naik separate cars to Midvalley. And we all decided to go for Laksa Shack. I and Rpah kongsi makan Johor set. Yang ada nasi dan lauk pauk. Pastu dia ada macam otak otak tu..apa ntah nama dia. Ayie makan Laksa Nyonya. Kitorang borak2 meriahnya.Sampai tak sedar orang keliling dok pandang-pandang dan tersengih jugak. hehehe
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Habis borak-borak, masa untuk berposing lak. Suruh waiter tu amik kan gambar. Yelah nak masuk fotopages kan..haruslah ada nilai-nilai seni sikit. hehehe Inilah hasilnya

Pasu bunga kristal dengan daun keladi ni nampak cantik sangat.Dengan background oren tu.
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Yang ni I amik .I suka wajah ceria Rpah yang natural.

Yang ni Ayie amik gambar I. sayangnya ada nampak ada flash lah..Otherwise okay
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Habis bergambar tu..dah dekat kul 10.30. kitorang balik jer..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

riz.. u suke wajah ceria i yg natural ke?? hikhikhik.. malu la i.. patut la u suke snap my pic.. kuang kuang kuang