Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Serendipity- rezeki yang tak disangka sangka
Today I am supposed to be making short notes on the lab ..But
 I didnt..
bersalah lak..
I arrived home yesterday..
Did some home chores that was always done by my dad + mum
And while catching my breath, I watched Cruel Intentions -Michele Gellar and Ryan Patrick
and it ended at 11.30
Just enough time for me to hang the clothes and then ...sleep
It was a hard day..cause I had Lab work yesterday
And although I promised H to make short notes on the last 3 labs..The labs aren't mine ..until tomorrow...(same lab)
Then today I called H and then it turned out he did the short notes on the last 3 labs
And I did the first 3 labs..
...(sorry for nothing..)

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Serendipity- rezeki yang tak disangka sangka

Today I am supposed to be making short notes on the lab ..But
I didnt..
bersalah lak..

I arrived home yesterday..
Did some home chores that was always done by my dad + mum
And while catching my breath, I watched Cruel Intentions -Michele Gellar and Ryan Patrick
and it ended at 11.30
Just enough time for me to hang the clothes and then ...sleep
It was a hard day..cause I had Lab work yesterday

And although I promised H to make short notes on the last 3 labs..The labs aren't mine ..until tomorrow...(same lab)
Then today I called H and then it turned out he did the short notes on the last 3 labs
And I did the first 3 labs..

...(sorry for nothing..)


It was the long Chinese New Year Holiday
And we had a long weekend..that continued through Monday and Tuesday
Emi suggested that we, the group to have a picnic somewhere..someplace natural and fresh.
I suggested Ulu Yam cause its near my house and all the more reason for it. So Emi decided that Sunday should be the date and the venue is Ulu Yam streams.
Emi wanted to cook some beehoon , and we didn't know that he also brought lots of healthy salad, its caesar's salad. The originial organic, aeroponic vegetable especially for caesar's salad, not one but two packages. And also the juicy cherry tomatoes.Complete with the 99% non fat caesar's salad dressing. Plus he also brought fruits (mandarin oranges) and also melamine plates and dishes. He brought soft drinks plus cooler.
I bought soya milk, pepsi twist, mandarin oranges and chyrsantemum tea. Reed made some nice tuna sandwiches.
And Akhir, well he brought his stomach only..hehehe

Emi arrived at the dot, 10 o'clock. Then reed came later. My parents went out to have breakfast.before this we went for a brisk walk in Kepong lake garden.

We walked to through the farthest part of the stream and then settled our things. Since we were famished, we had our late breakfast then and there.

We had a swim for a while and at 2.30 we went back cause its starting to drizzle.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Learning about life

I met my senior yesterday.
We kinda had a heart to heart talk about our lives and the masters.
She reckon that the masters we're doing is so full of challenges and personal problems that she seemed to refer it as the masters of life.
Learning about life.
Degree is easier. Its a breeze.
Then suddenly you are caught in the same spot, with lots of time and no direction.
Now everything seems to blow your way, every chances, every perks and also every personal problem imaginable seem to breeze its way in also.
She puts people, and work first instead of her needs.
Her need to do her own research or study.
Time flies, responsibility rises, and still
her research remain abandoned.
Same goes for me, I had studied before, and work is something refreshingly new and if I had to choose to prioritize my teaching to my research work. I will do the teaching and marking first.
It is inevitable.
For me the research is a pioneering one. The supervisors have high hopes. I had high hopes on the research. I meet the expert Professor. He places no hope for my research. I began to feel down. Then I went for courses. Again Professors label my research as impossible. One could not help but to feel bad and think negatively.
References, limited. Lab supervision none. Writing persuasion always. High expectations -always. Labelled as RA always. Criticism from a supervisor not expert in the area itself. With high expectations , boundless.
Samples too much. Expectations too much. Too much to do .
Time is getting shorter.
Times up. No report still.
For me personally, I had tried everything, cardio, jogging, tae-bo, speaking to friends, speaking to families, speaking to colleagues, lecturers, doing everything imaginable, just to keep the spirit high.Still.
After all the problems I had with the supervisor, the mistakes, the high expectations, the problems of the lab, the problems of references, the research.
Even of the typhoon comes tomorrow.
None to blame except myself.
I began to succumb to the Higher power of the Above.
I admit I was too self centered.
I was selfish. I only had my needs to meet. Not the others.
Easiest thing to do is to give up.
Trust me , it is the easiest thing.
But, the pain, the hardwork, the blood and sweat
all will pay off .
It pays ..forever to be patient.
and to preservere.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Climax of the, week, months

Today is Wednesday
and as usual I have lab today
I drove to work as usual
and things began to be too monotonous to me
I needed to focus
but still it is beginning to drain away the fun in me
I stayed focused..
then i imagined myself doing the planned plans for today
and then after that i turned on the radio..
oh how the music bores me
I should have just burned some music to play

Well I had breakfast with Shm and Amr today. My class starts at 10.
I had nasi lemak
We made jokes yeah..(but still not too overtly over)

The classes got better as the time passes

And after class
I accompanied Hshm to Mines . He had some things to clarify about the new Motorolla. He was so friendly to the sales person that , the sales person offered to do palmistry. That person said I am 27. thanks..hehehe

After noon, i got my claims for the trip to PD and dental. Then I met this Dr. who made my confidence boost to a very2 high level, that I had to call Ay and also Arph just to let off the steam.
And also this blog
So thats the climax of the day..