Saturday, February 10, 2007

Learning about life

I met my senior yesterday.
We kinda had a heart to heart talk about our lives and the masters.
She reckon that the masters we're doing is so full of challenges and personal problems that she seemed to refer it as the masters of life.
Learning about life.
Degree is easier. Its a breeze.
Then suddenly you are caught in the same spot, with lots of time and no direction.
Now everything seems to blow your way, every chances, every perks and also every personal problem imaginable seem to breeze its way in also.
She puts people, and work first instead of her needs.
Her need to do her own research or study.
Time flies, responsibility rises, and still
her research remain abandoned.
Same goes for me, I had studied before, and work is something refreshingly new and if I had to choose to prioritize my teaching to my research work. I will do the teaching and marking first.
It is inevitable.
For me the research is a pioneering one. The supervisors have high hopes. I had high hopes on the research. I meet the expert Professor. He places no hope for my research. I began to feel down. Then I went for courses. Again Professors label my research as impossible. One could not help but to feel bad and think negatively.
References, limited. Lab supervision none. Writing persuasion always. High expectations -always. Labelled as RA always. Criticism from a supervisor not expert in the area itself. With high expectations , boundless.
Samples too much. Expectations too much. Too much to do .
Time is getting shorter.
Times up. No report still.
For me personally, I had tried everything, cardio, jogging, tae-bo, speaking to friends, speaking to families, speaking to colleagues, lecturers, doing everything imaginable, just to keep the spirit high.Still.
After all the problems I had with the supervisor, the mistakes, the high expectations, the problems of the lab, the problems of references, the research.
Even of the typhoon comes tomorrow.
None to blame except myself.
I began to succumb to the Higher power of the Above.
I admit I was too self centered.
I was selfish. I only had my needs to meet. Not the others.
Easiest thing to do is to give up.
Trust me , it is the easiest thing.
But, the pain, the hardwork, the blood and sweat
all will pay off .
It pays ..forever to be patient.
and to preservere.

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