Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I had a chance to have Iftar with fellow Malay friends at Ay's house just now. I helped him make chicken rice. We had a good laugh.
Being young. Being single. Being reckless without a care.
Being immature at the same time.
Sometimes it works, sometimes..not really.
It's nice being in a community. Compared to eating alone at my apartment. Well, I've had my experience with them and in the end they'll end up hurting you anyway with some sort of disrespect.
Distance is good.

Ay borrowed my vacuum. With effort to take it from my apartment to bring it to his house. Then, no effort to bring it back. Sad. Immature. Reckless.
I figured that his house is bigger, and mine is so small and cramped, that I should just trade his vacuum with mine. Makes sense.


syafiqsyed said...

Engkau mintak le balik vacuum engko tu, apa susah sangat? Mungkin dia lupe........

Diaorang tu budak2 lagi Riz, engko tu dah tue, macm aku ni hah. Maturity mesti dah jauh beza.......


Reese said...

Hmm budak tu dah 22 tahun dah..budak apa lagi..hehe..dia memang camtu..
Hmm aku bagi jelah vacuum tu kat rumah dia besar..aku amik vacuum dia yg kecik sebagai ganti..

syafiqsyed said...


Apart from that, how are things? Did you manage to pass your prelims yet?


Reese said...

Alhamdulilah . I passed my prelims in August. Shafiq
Dh smbung belajar?

syafiqsyed said...

Wow!My heartiest congratulations to you Riz!

I have yet to write up my phd proposal because I could not find my novelty yet. Plus, work is really hectic at times.