Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today is the 5th day of Ramadan

Today is the 5th day of the fasting month of Ramadhan.

Yesterday, I felt that I needed a break from the tiring routine life that has been bugging me for a month now. The journey to work was too far and too tiring.One hour in the morning and more than one hour backin the evening. Then I had to buy food from the Ramadan Bazaar, nearby, breaking fast, at that time, I had nearly too energy left in my body, then came the rushing of food and sugars to my brain and then I had too get ready to go to the mosque.
Hectic--hectic-- and hectic.
Well yesterday I took a break for a while..Just staying put after maghrib prayers..Just stop to take a breather..
And things just went into perspective..
Just a little bit..
I did the tarawikh in my room ..
Yesterday I had to much sleep.
I ain't gonna repeat the same mistake today.

Today was I determined to do some work done. I got some books for the forthcoming PhD study to borrow.

Today I registered at the Univ's Library for the wireless Lan. Not bad, it all went well. The Univ is not bad. Quite advance in terms of new technology. I did the check in for my book by the automatic machine provided. And as for the returning of the book, you could just drop it at a slot and a receipt will be printed out for you..

Buka posa dengan kengkawan

Khamis lepas.
Ayie Rpah and me had a gathering of berbuka puasa. It seems that, Ayie was free that day and Rpah was also willing to go. We all decided to go to Midvalley. And as crowded as it seems, especially for people wanting to break fast there in the cool restaurants. Ayie figured that it is best to have a light snack and drink first, have the Maghrib prayers then only go to Midvalley . By that time, the restaurants are free.

Ayie datang lambat sikit. Tapi dia ada beli kuih utk berbuka.
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Lepas maghrib kami bertolak naik separate cars to Midvalley. And we all decided to go for Laksa Shack. I and Rpah kongsi makan Johor set. Yang ada nasi dan lauk pauk. Pastu dia ada macam otak otak tu..apa ntah nama dia. Ayie makan Laksa Nyonya. Kitorang borak2 meriahnya.Sampai tak sedar orang keliling dok pandang-pandang dan tersengih jugak. hehehe
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Habis borak-borak, masa untuk berposing lak. Suruh waiter tu amik kan gambar. Yelah nak masuk fotopages kan..haruslah ada nilai-nilai seni sikit. hehehe Inilah hasilnya

Pasu bunga kristal dengan daun keladi ni nampak cantik sangat.Dengan background oren tu.
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Yang ni I amik .I suka wajah ceria Rpah yang natural.

Yang ni Ayie amik gambar I. sayangnya ada nampak ada flash lah..Otherwise okay
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Habis bergambar tu..dah dekat kul 10.30. kitorang balik jer..

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

accident kat jalan istana Fri Sept 08 2006

pagi tadi aku busy dengan seminar dekat jabatan. rumate aku lak dia posa hari ni. so dia taknak lah gi kenduri bacaan yassin kat bilik mesyuarat tu. aku pun maleh ler nak gi.
gi solat jumaat
aku tak g pun ada kenduri tahlil sempena bulan posa oleh prof j.
tapi makanan ada. lagi aku pun setelah mendengar pelawaan dr a yang okay je.aku pun makan la sensorang dengan kelajuan cahaya.
then ada dr tu suruh g evaluate student dia nak buat presentation multimedia
aku pun g la
evaluate sampai kul 5
petang tu aku ingat nak g jogging dengan a tapi dia kata langit mendung .so aku pun agkat beg nak blah awal2
hujan selebat2nya
tapi bila dah dekat2 sg besi reda pulak la hujan
aku dok lalu istana tu pastu keta depan brek mengejut aku pun telanggar la dia. bumper lampu dan bonet bengkok.
aku kangaroo bar, signal kiri, bonet depan.
aku ingat nak setle je rm1k kat situ.tapi ingatkan duit aku takleh withdraw sampai isnin. so aku ingat nak balik rumah dulu la.
bapak aku punyala marah. dia suruh claim insurans. tp aku sebab dah janji nak bayar aku pun tak ler amik nama org tu.
then nak taknak kenalah jumpa orang tu sebab tak tau nama atau nombor plet keta.
cakap punya cakap ..bapak aku marah2 aku sebab nak bayar pakcik tu.aku pun akur yang eloklah bayar pakai insurans (aku dapat tau yang kena bayar rm1k gak kalau estimate dengan mekanik)
aku dan bapak aku pun g a terus ke balai polis jalan bandar tu g buat laporan
then amik gambar keta aku
then aku g makan sat kat kedai makan
then balik dah jam 11.30
aku penat giler weh..mental fizikal..
mana la silapnya hari ni weh..
aku waktu accident tu kan..siap dengar quran tu..waktu accident tu quran pasang..sampai balik..sebab aku tak baca doa perjalanan kot..
tension aku..tau
aku pun tak zikir ayat seribu dinar waktu balik..harapkan dengar alunan orang membaca quran then berfikir nak wat keja esok..
pakcik tu nampak nya baik..kata keja kerajaan Jakim katanya. dia siap ajak gi solat isyak kat masjid. tapi tulah..bapak aku kata secara legalnya aku kena claim insurans..takde maknenya dia dok bayar insurans aku tahun tahun kalau tak claim kalau terjadi benda-benda macam ni
kepada pakcik banyak banyak bersabarlahyea..dan harap pakcik dapat lah claim dari insurans saya itu..tanpa banyak halangan..insyaallah.

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Chicken Hartz in Sunway Pyramid

So since I have been working for a month and has gotten myself my first paycheck, then its my turn to be the host for the dinner this time. This time it was at the chicken hartz. It was chicken hartz Rm 17 or the Seoul Bulgogi which costs Rm30++ per person. Hehehe. It was kinda a hassle to go to Sunway Pyramid, since they have renovated the parking lot, I thought to myself. Then without further ado i went to park at the shoplots there, although illegally, just to find out that I have forgotten to bring my  camera. Then it was a blessing in disguise cause, it turned out the new car park was okay..Its okay its alright.

I drove straight in. I waited for the gurls for half an hour and at around 8.30 ++ they arrived. The chicken hartz was located in the LG level near giant. Okay, so its been awhile since I talked to the gurls, and there are tons to catch up to..So much that I spent the first one hour talking nothing. as the gurls rambles along. Hehehe so many secrets since Arpah had an interview with the dean. Censored here. sorry..

And Ayie drove her first Benz ..heheh company car and carpooling with friends to see the Manufacturing Local Assembly of Mercedes car in Pahang.

Lastly after so much hessitation and although feeling uncomfortable I began to unravel the thoughts that I have..about the new working place. It was somewhat ...different . And after the restaurant closes at 10.30, we continued to chat few storeys above the ice skating rink.At around 11.00 I drove home. Although tired, it was worth it..

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Enter Frame

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAdik I Shahril..kat Univ of Korea..any takers? hehehe


Tempat Kerja baru

Persinggahan sahabat kami, Ikie ke tempat kerja baru I.

Nilai dan Serdang lebih kurang setengah jam la..Ikie suka ikut jalan shortcut takde tol.
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Hisham and me

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Another pose from Ikie and me

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Lepas Ayie belanja KFC

Ni gambar waktu maghrib .

Berempat .
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Ayie Belanja KFC -1ST PAYCHECK

Awal bulan Ogos, Ayie janji nak belanja KFC sempena kenaikan pangkat dia kat tempat kerja dia yang baru tu.

So berkumpul lah balik 4 sahabat ni, Ikie dari Nilai, I dari Serdang, Rpah dari UM dan Ayie dari area situ gak.

Alhamdulillah rezeki Ayie la tu..






tangan yang memberi adalah lebih baik dari yang menerima
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Arpah, Ayie dan me

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Ikie. Arpah and Ayie

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Kengkawan kat Gerai Sup Meletup

Ni bergambar dengan kengkawan aku sejak first sekali balik ke KL.

Ni Nizal
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Ni lak Madan dan K
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Perjalanan Jauh Balik semula ke Kuala Lumpur

Pada hari Rabu adalah hari terakhir berada di JB. Kiranya nak settle kan semua benda..Then Khamis dengan tenang hatinya aku akan kembali semula ke KL. Tapi biasalah..

Hari Jumaat tu ada ridiculous phone call dari JB suruh aku amik surat pelepasan jawatan then bagi kat ketua jabatan untuk sign then bagi balik kat dia..Simply fabulous. Then nasib baik la dia pun dah kembali ke rational state of mind. Dia pun terfikir ..aku just call jer Ketua Jabatan supaya just formality dia sign . I ok jer. Then bila I tel Putrajaya , depa kata tak perlu pun signature ketua jabatan. Hmm...mengada-ngadalah JB ni..orang baru kot..tak tau protokol lagi.. then orang Putrajaya nak call JB..Horray....

Ni gambar aku drive sorang-sorang tgh hari Khamis tu..
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